ICFCM 2019 | The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
ICFCM 2019 was successfully held in The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia during November 13-16, 2019!
Group Photos
Prof. Amanda Ellis (The University of Melbourne, Australia ) was delivering the keynote speech
Prof. David Andrew Lewis (Flinders University, Australia) was delivering the keynote speech
Prof. Darren Martin (University of Queensland, Australia ) was delivering the keynote speech
Prof. Ramesh K. Agarwal (Washington University in St. Louis, USA) was delivering the keynote speech
Prof. Yinong Liu (The University of Western Australia, Australia) was delivering the plenary speech
Dr. Pratheep Kumar Annamalai (University of Queensland, Australia ) was delivering the Invited speech
Long Pocket Spinifex Nanocellulose Downstream Pilot Facility Lab Visit
Session I BP - Hana Schreiberova | Session I BP - Neda Ghaebi Panah | Session I - Group Photo | Session IV - Group Photo |
Session II BP - Kamila Salasinska | Session II - Group Photo | Session III BP - Charles Lois I. Flores | Session III - Group Photo |
Session IV BP - Vera Khoirunisa | Session IV BP - Lusia Silfia Boli | Session V BP - Gowri Shankar MC | Session V--Group Photo |
Conference Proceedings
Papers of ICFCM2019 were published by Materials Science Forum(MSF) Vol. 995 and proceedings of ICFCM2019 is already online! (Read More)
ICFCM2019 Conference Proceedings - Cover
Papers of ICFCM2019 are indexed by Ei Compendex!
Papers of ICFCM2019 are indexed by Scopus!